There were times I wondered how my life would be if I am not a Mommy. No matter what the scenario might be, I am sure those are not as fulfilling as being a Mom.
Having said that, being a Mom isn't always a bed of roses. Whenever the little ones were throwing tantrums, behaviors were undesirable; it would be a hair pulling and tugging session for me. As much as I try to be rational and keep my cool, I still do have moments whereby I lost my cool and whacked them hard.
Ethylyn has always been a sweet darling. However, I notice the change in her behavior since last year. She has started to rebuked rudely at times. I know she may not be able to clearly differentiate what’s right and what’s not, I should be more patient and try talking to her about it, I still felt irritated by such reactions from her.
My expectations for her is high, I have to acknowledge that. This is not healthy in the long run. I need to adjust my expectations from time to time; she is after all a 5 year old kid.
Her new school has a very academic based and result oriented environment. I am already having sleepless nights! There are home works, lots of them. There are also spellings every week in both English and Chinese. I feel the stress, and I believe she does too. How? I need to prepare her for P1. My consolation from all these is her reassurance, “Mommy, I enjoyed school. I only don’t like to do writing.”
Teachers’ feedback about her was good. Even the principal said her English reading skills is good that she can only join the group for enrichment in the advanced level. Her Chinese enrichment teacher also feedback saying she picks up new words really fast. She can only read 85% of the passage before the class starts; she picked up all the words in one lesson!
My main concern is her Math. I realize she picks up languages really fast, but a little slow in mathematics, unfortunately, she inherited this from me. I know she is trying hard to do well. We will give ourselves time to make the adjustments.
I already find whatever she is doing as a K2 kid very stressful yet she is asking for more! She besides her usual curriculum, she already has Chinese, abacus and dancing classes in school. Additionally, she is asking for piano, arts classes. On top of these, she has swimming lessons every Sunday. I just hope my sweetie is able to handle so many activities.
Poor girl…
i didn't join any enrichment classes when i was young, perhaps enrichment classes were not common at those old days... nowadays kids somewhat pathetic as they have started to bear stress at such a young age, but what to do, if you are slacked then possibly you will be left behind!
me too! I don;t even go for tuition classes!
Sigh...I felt so stressful...when she sees her friends attends other classes, she would ask why is she not in that class. I told her I will sign her up if I think she can cope...she said can. What to do?? I think it's partly peer pressure.
hmm yea i suppose its peer pressure. i know how u feel. my son also the same age. they are going thru a stage. as a mom i suppose haf to be patient. like u i will try very hard not to hit them and most of the time i don't but the shouting and screaming like a mad lady is already stressful enough. :(
twin, it is really stressful that I almost pull my hair out! I told Ethyl that I hate screaming and shouting at her...but in order for me to remain cool, I need her help. I hope we both can pass this phase without much hiccups. there's still primary school education to worry about.
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