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June 11, 2010

Learning From Home

A decision I made for Brayden after measuring the pros and cons since the PTM we had before school ends.

A change in 2 main teachers, triggers the concern. At the same time, we also realise he did nothing much in class. Teacher S told us he will be roaming about when the older kids (his class is mixed with N1 students) are doing their work. If not, the PG students will be seated at a corner to play.

I was wondering, besides letting them just play like that, can't a teacher be there to coach them probably transferring beans or coaching them in mastering their fine motor skills etc. In my opinion, just leaving the kids to sit there, letting them play on their own isn't ideal.

This decision came ever since I am more actively doing my research online. I love what Pauline and Rachel did, My Playschool.

After scouring through their contributions, I have decided to teach Brayden from the comfort of home. I am the least creative person on earth. I am bad with crafts, but for the sake of helping my little one and coaching them from home, I guess I need to start somewhere.

Next week will be spent planning the curriculumn for Brayden and Ethyl. Yes, Ethyl will be involved as well. For Ethyl, the main focus is on Mathematics and Science and doing reading reviews aka reading journals on the books (English and Chinese) that we borrowed weekly from the library.

My only challenge is how to get Brayden focused. Let me trial and error on some methods and share with all after the first week.


mamabliss said...

Thanks Fannie, for mentioning about us here :)

Brayden is still young so attention span will naturally be short, keep each learning session short (not beyond 10mins each), add in more learn-through-play activities and more reading (exposing him to language rich environment) will be great! :)

Am glad you've taken the bold step to coach Brayden at home you'll definitely be rewarded with a great bond with him ;)


MomsyWorld said...

My pleasure, Pauline :)

Your site is useful to me and I have been getting ideas on how to plan my lessons with Brayden when the school break is over.

Like I told you, it's like a one-stop resource for me :)