scar is healing pretty well. Her dressing was changed and the Doctor assures that looking at the way it is healing and closing u, most likely there'll be no obvious scarring as she grows older.
As a Mom, I felt much relieved upon the doctor's assurance. However, I still would want to heed advise from my Dermatologist to ensure that the scar will be minimally visible.
Ethyl has been taking this incident pretty well. I can see she is still very afraid of going to the doctor after her
saga many months back. I would say I am a proud Mommy as my girl is still brave eventhough she is struggling within herself to walk into the clinic. Well done, Baby!
As for our 7mo bub, he is thriving well. It's a shame that I am unable to spend alot of time with him at this point in time, I try to be as hands-on as much as I could.
I am hoping he'll grow up faster so that I can bring both Ethyl and himself out for some fun on weekends.
He is eating quite a bit as usual, but no matter how he eats, his peaking metabolism rate will burn the food and milk he takes in and he is only weighing 7.4kg. I am not worried, Ethyl was alos in the 25th percentile in terms of weight when she was a baby. Look at her now, she is one of the tallest in class and oh, I almost forgot to update...she is one of the best in class too! *beaming Mommy*
Brayden adores Ethyl. I am really glad for this fact!
Back to Ethyl...I went to collect her final term report card and this time, the teacher in charge didn't open the book like before. She laid the book on the table and said, "Ethylyn's doing very well. She is very smart and is one of the best in class."
I was quite shocked to hear this actually. They do not measure the students using grades, but through the daily work and activities, the teachers observe that she can grasps the various topics well especially so for phonics. Her Math is also good. Hubby's worry at this point is pretty redundant. He felt that Ethyl's Math is very weak and we need to work on that.
Another point the teacher brought up...all along, during the past sessions, they would say Ethyl is a quiet girl and I told them she wasn't. They never believe me, and this time the teacher commented, "Ethylyn, Wenxi, Shermaine and Joiee Ma are the top students for English class, however, when the 4 girls are together, they we very loud and talkative. We had no choice, but to seperate them into for different tables." I laughed at this comment!
"Ethylyn is also very vocal and the same 4 girls would ask questions when the lesson is going on. This is very good! That is also one reason why they are doing well."
As for the chinese teacher, she told me she likes Ethyl. She is very all-rounded and for Chinese class, both Ethyl and her best friend Wenxi are the top. Both girls as usual loves to talk, however, Li laoshi loves Ethyl more because she is able to follow instructions and pay attention when told to stop talking.
This time, my little girl makes me feel proud of her. I hope her enthusiasm in learning will continue...
I did praise her on our way back, however, my usual sentence is, "I can see you are putting in effort, and I hope you will continue to do so".