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November 9, 2008

"Mom, do you not love me anymore?"

Who else would ask me such a question but my girl?

Had been home late almost everyday because of work commitments and my little girl started asking me the above question. Somehow when I heard this, I felt pretty hurt and sad.

Both of us bond well, and that is why many a times we knew what we wanted. For Ethyl, I have been trying to assure her that nothing has been changed (especially the love I have for her) eversince Bray's arrival. Everything falls nicely in place after 2 months of tears and wails; by going to work, I thought I could manage their (Hubby, Ethyl, Bray and Mom's) expectations well.

Hubby is fine. However he thought I might be a little ambitious right now. Probably due to the last unpleasant incidence that I encountered at work, I really feel much happier with my current employment and of course, nice boss and colleagues.

I never dreamt being too ambitious, I just work hard and put in my best efforts. Afterall, I have a family to juggle and am glad Boss is understanding enough to me. Since despite my family commitments and he is willing to let me give it a try at a slower pace, why not? Opprtunity does not come all the time!

My promise to him, I will abide. I will not neglect the well being of my 2 young ones and him.

As for Ethyl, she is in an age where all the WWHs starts making friends with her. At times when I was really tired, I'd unknowingly brush the questions away; so bad of me.

Till now, we were still very close. I love the closeness I share with her. No one else can understand this unless you are a Mommy yourself. I always make it a point to tell her I'll be home late if I was held up by work. Nevertheless, my phone would still keep ringing and she'll ask, "Mom, are you coming back now?", "Mom, where are you? I miss you so much!" etc.

SWEET! I have started another phase whereby I will try to make her understand my job and understand why we (Hubby and I) may be held up by work sometimes. She has begun to notice that Hubby's been working too much, and kept asking me the same questions!

It's another round of tough talking to make her understand...but I will still do it!

Brayden is soon turning 7mo! He seems to be teething, and is always putting things in his mouth. He just is not as close and attached to me like Ethyl. Even so, I still love him! He is simply too adorable and cheerful! It's always nice to see him flashing is mega watt smile in the mornings and evenings when I am back from work.

He is a tougher to manage baby compared to Ethyl, but I felt bad not being able to spend as much time for him and breastfeed as long.

He is currently taking formula as supplement, I am still working hard on my pump before and after work. It somehow made me less guilty as he is still able to get Mommy's milk somehow.

I wish them both to thrive and be happy with live....


Anonymous said...

you are a super dedicated and loving mom... and you've done well thus far... *hugz*

Jan Lee said...

*hugz* don't beat yourself up for trying to excel both at work and at being a good are doing a fantastic job and you really are.....:)

LZmommy said...

You are doing your best for the family. Don't be too hard on yourself ya...

blurblur said...

Hi Fannie, you're doing a great job, juggling your family and a demanding job! Dont feel guilty ok? *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hi fannie, *a big hug to you* you are a super mommy. Juggling so many things at the same time. Family, childen, work and etc... it must be very tiring on you...hang in there for you hv done so well. Take care ya.

Didn't get an opportunity to meet up with you lately. Will do so one of the sat morning to pass u something.