Decisions! Decisions! Decisions! There are moments in life we need to make decisions be it big or small. This time, besides her kindy, Ialso made other adjustments.
Firstly, I stopped her swimming lessons. I realise the previous swim school has been adding new students to the class and Ethyl, one of the better swimmer is always delayed because the coach has to focus on the newbies. Better arrangement could have been made and the school should make it a point to group students according to their progress.
I have since stopped her when her last term ended in June. Today, she starts her swimming with a new swim school. This is held very near our place, at least I can send her there in the evenings and one of our weekend is free from activities.
For the first lesson, the coach noticed her potential and teaches her seperately. Not that Ethyl is a good swimmer, at least she doesn't have water phobia and that makes her learning curve smoother.
Next, she will start her art lesson with Globalart as well. I seriously hope those fanciful drawings they showcased are not just for show. I really hope she can learn drawing, coloring and establish an interest in art that I lack.
Hubby just threw me a bomb asking me to homeschool Ethyl from home. Ethyl herself also requested I homeschool her from home. I have been doing it, non-religiously I would say. It is always impromptu whenever I coach her from home, however I made it a point, we do it at least 3 times a week.
Considering the unhappiness I face with the school, further chats with parents confirms my doubts are not unfounded.
Homeschooling takes alot of discipline. I have some time to think about it before school ends. Let's see...
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