June 27, 2008
We Waited 10 Business Days For It
June 26, 2008
Ethyl's Phobia
This is her first question whenever she woke up after Brayden's born. She hate to leave us, at the same time wailed and refused to change into her U. All this is over...*phew*
"Mommy, today you going interview?"
"Mommy, you got meet your friends?"
"Mommy, you going to work already?"
These are her daily questions to me. Any positive answer from any of those above will send her tears trickling down.
"Mommy, I will miss you when you work."
"Mommy, later I miss you how?"
"Mommy, will you come back early?"
These are the questions that will follow.
It's tough for her to be "separated" from me again...so do I. Bray is easier though...He is still oblivious of what's happening.
Ethyl, Ethyl...Mommy will definitely miss you wherever I am!
June 23, 2008
Momsy Diary
For me, I like Nintendo Wii and intended to reward myself for being such a *ahem* dutiful Mommy to my kiddos. However, Hubby prefers PS3. Well, we will still argue over what we should buy for ourselves until we got our new house. I still prefer Wii...a little work out will help burn some calories away. keke...
As for Ethyl, she requested for DS lite. First time ever she requested for a game...I actually made up my mind and will get her a console since my cousin is selling at a pretty reasonable price. Can she wait till her birthday? Or can I keep the cash in my pockets long enough till her birthday?
I am getting her some Leapfrog games at the same time. Those are enriching games, as for DS, shall let her play after school or during holidays. Each session shall not be more than 30 minutes.
She laid her hands on cousin's set, and so far, she is pretty obliging when I told her to keep after a while.
hmm...actually...Hubby should give in to me since I am not a gaming person. Shall we get Wii??
My Love
Surprisingly, the nursing room at Taka was not as packed as before...where did the crowd go?
We took our own sweet time to warm up the EBM while waiting for master Bray to wake up for his feed. Pretty girl decided to sing and dance to entertain us. Some other parents who were there finds her very entertaining (or probably too noisy! haha).
We chilled out at Starbucks (Paragon) after that...my lovely girl having her Iced Signature Chocolate.
On Staurday while dining at IMM, this naughty Momma took some pictures of my little man. I think he looks like...Theodore in The Chipmunks. Hehe...
June 20, 2008
On Us
My lovely has not been home very often. She'd bunk at Mom's place because my cousins were here to spend their holidays. Since she had more mates to play there, she decided that she shall make good use of her time to play with her uncles.
Kinda miss her around at night...I used to kiss her and kiss her, and kiss her when I woke up to feed and pump milk...
As usual, she loves her baby bro. Nobody can pinch or beat her little bro, but she can "bully" her chunky cousin. She is considered gentle to her bro and she of course loves him so much! I love to see her interacting with Bray, it's such a heartwarming sight!
The Little Master
Bray's been drinking quite a bit lately. His feeds were between 2 hourly to 2.5 hourly. I pressume he is in a growth spurt. He looks chubbier now, but I hope he will not be chunky, and size wise, just like Ethyl when she was a baby. So long as he's healthy, I o not need a meat pattie as it'll give me a hard time carrying him.
Oh, he also seems to recognise my voice already! When I came back from my haircut last evening, he was sleeping and when he heard me talking to Mom, he woked up and begun to whine...hehe...He wanted me to carry him. When I did, he kept quiet and continued to sleep!
The Old Master
Just as I thought Hubby's change in shift pattern will gain us more time...I was totally WRONG! He is supposed to be off duty this weekend, but when I asked, he gave me an option - at most ONE day's off. Ok, better than nothing. So, which day? Saturday we have a full moon to attend. A mutual friend of ours, my secondary cum poly mate, he knew her in poly...
I just wanted to know what time he would leave work on saturday, and he said plainly...Not sure. Sigh...if he leaves early like last week, I'd opt for saturday he works and sunday off so that we can get more things done.
The Old Momma
Am basking in motherhood bliss!
To me, Brayden is just like a daughter. He doesn't have the very boyish look as yet, he looks pretty much like Ethyl when she was a baby. Well, the fact is, he is a boy! So Mom said I need to treat him like one. Of course I do! I dress him in blue!
Ethyl's very attached to me and especially clingy during this period. I tried to be involved in things revolving around her. Send her to take school bus, fetch her back, teach her to write etc. I can't do alot for her, but I try. I am still trying to work out a schedule for the kids and myself so that I can get more settled.
Last evening, I was late from my hairdo and couldn't pick her up, she called and cried. She said she didn;t want me to cut my hair, nor does she wants me to colour my hair etc...But when I came back, she welcomed me with her ever lovely smile and said, "Mommy, wow...your hair so nice! So nice! I like your hair!".
She is the first to notice my hair. Hubby didn't even notice it at first. He walked in, I was carrying Bray (who was sleeping), he tried to wake Bray up and walked away. When I looked up and talked to him, it was only then he realised I changed my hairstyle again! See, now that he has his daughter and son, he forgets the wife.
Though he is busy, I am still trying to slot activities in for Ethyl. She ought to get some fun, and not cooped up at home. Having said that, bringing a baby and a tot could be challenging...
June 16, 2008
Ethyl is actually threading on the water by herself with the aid of her arm bands. She's doing really well.
Any mommies has good swimming instructors (in the east) to recommend me?
Joel is terrified of the water! See my cheeky girl trying to scare the wits out of her baby uncle.
She's with her fave uncle.
My lovely girl...Bray, my aunt and I were enjoying the breeze in the shade. When Bray's about 3 months old, I will let him have a dip too!
Next, not related to the title, but something I find it entertaining...the cries of my little guy. I simply love to see him cry. Hehe...
June 11, 2008
First Tries
I gave him the cold shoulder and refused to talk to him, and reply his sms-es. Very childish hor? But this works on him. I just need help at night cos I really hope to recover soon. I didn't dare take the cough mixture in the day fearing I'd be too drowsy to look after baby, thus I only took it at night.
Came back home yesterday, without me asking, he did lotsa chores. I somehow felt better upon seeing his sincerity. The iceberg started melting and I started to strike a conversation with him.
He really took the initiative to wake up at 2ish to feed baby while I was still groggy from the effect of the meds.
A good start...hope it continues.
Another milestone for me...I looked after my 2 kiddos myself! Ethyl seemed much settled since yesterday. She began to listen to instructions and helped me a little with the chores when i need her help.
I hope this continues...else I'll become a wicked mommy who kept scolding my cutie girl.
June 10, 2008
Barney + Kungfu Panda
On our way there, my excited missy was singing Barney songs in Hubby's car.
While waiting for the show to start...
Barney and Friends...
I think she enjoyed herself. I booked the tickets, but I should have choosen the first 3 rows instead...I thought the stage would be like Hi-5's. Anyways, the seat we had was not too bad either. Still the first few rows.
It was not so worth the ticket price if you ask me about the show. I would rather watch Hi-5. Most importantly, Ethyl enjoyed herself. BTW, realised that the parents who attended really can sing Barney's songs (including myself!). I was singing (and coughing) and guiding Ethyl to sing along!
After the show, we went Mac for lunch and went back home. Our day did not end here...I pumped and we brought along my cousin to watch Kungfu Panda (yes, all activities were without Brayden boy). Ethyl definitely had a super-dee-duper day! Ethyl did not forget the brother and kept telling me to bring Brayden along when he is older the next time...I love her for loving the brother as well!
Oh, So Negative
I am sick. Coughing my lungs out, nose blocked, and the infection on my throat is making swallowing really tough for me. Requested Hubby to apply for leave to help me yesterday and also to bring Brayden for his review. He did, but he was not much a help to me.
I tried to be very appreciative to have him touching here and there, but somehow I just felt that he is doing it for the sake of doing.
"After u see a doc, go back, take your meds and u sleep ok?"
This was what he said. In the end, when little boy is still waving his arms in the air, and I can see he is also tired...he asked me "how to make him sleep?"
Told him I usually pat him to sleep at noon, an easier way out for me so that when he dozed off, I can do some housework or even feed my tummy. He asked me to carry him and pat him to sleep when my meds took effect on me. Of course I refused! I told him what's the point of having him around to help when the HELP is only a mouth exercise?
He had no choice, he had to pat our little guy to sleep.
Night feeds were more tiring. I took my meds, but I still woke up and feed him. He, sleeping like a log, and was still sleeping when Bray gagged himself and was choking...Luckily I walked in and quickly shouted at him. I was furious at that moment. How can he sleep like a log when the baby is still not fully recovered?
Really didn't like the way he handles things. I need to remind him constantly to change baby's diaper, do this, do that...he NEVER do it on his own accord. I was upset that I ever said something like that, "Why must I keep repeating things that you need to do everyday? Can't you make my life easier?"
I really do not know what I can do to make him more "sensible" in a way...I am tired, really tired...
June 7, 2008
She Felt The Threat
Time we do something about it...
June 5, 2008
Am I Too Fierce?
Thought through last night and realised that my expectations of her is quite high. Being a sensitive and understanding daughter of mine for the past 3 years, I realised that she is able to understand well and behave as desired. Her behaviour has been good and she has been pretty cooperative until Brayden arrives.
To me, I still feel that she can do it well. Her role in this household is clear, and so far she is able to show me she can do it. That is why whenever she did something which I felt she should not, I would flare at her.
Now I need to constantly remind myself that Ethyl needs attention too. Her change in behaviour is her way of telling me I could have neglected her feelings. She is just a kid...
June 4, 2008
Learning Process
My daily routine is beginning to get more settled. Morning feeds, pump milk, bathe, breakfast. Come back feed again, baby sleeps, I put the laundry to wash, wake baby up and goes to Mom's and prepare Ethyl for school.
After Ethyl goes to school, I'll come back, let Brayden sleep, I'll pump milk, hang out the clothes, clean the house, take a breather (surf the net) and feed again, pump milk again, feed and make baby sleep will I stole some time for a rest.
Evening routine is also about pumping and feeding...cleaning baby, fetching Ethyl, have dinner etc...quite hectic in the mornings actually. However, I have begun to enjoy the busy times...am planning to squeeze in baking, but need to have some planning. Probably when nephew's back at home then I will bake.
How settled am I? Still learning to be a super mommy for 2.
June 2, 2008
A Wish Comes True?
Finally, we can have a family weekend (provided he has no OT)!
This saturday is burnt as one of his peers was on leave, thus he has to be around. However, sunday will be ours (most likely w/o Bray). Ethyl is still trying to plead with us to bring Brayden along for the Barney concert and our little outing. We'll see how...I'll miss him too if we are away for too long.
Am planning for a Father's Day outing (who says those celebrations must be makan treats?) and our weekends.
I have also been thinking of going back to work...However, can't leave Bray behind till he is fully recovered, plus the cranky sweetie will surely needs to re-adapt to me working. Looks like I have quite a bit to settle before I work. Wondering how is Mom gonna cope with 3 kids when she doesn't want more help. Looking after my nephew alone is already quite a handful...I am worried about my kiddos...