April 27, 2008
Toughest for Me
My darling Ethyl.
Without her chatters, I may feel lonely and quiet...
We are all preparing her for my "disappearance". When she's sleepy and tired, she'd need me. Likel last evening when she refused to go dinner with Hubby and myself, she started crying when the sun had set and she's tired. When we came back, she told me she cried and was missing me...aww...I'm touched!
Whenever I am not at home, out for lunch appointments with friends or to the doctor, she'd keep calling me, saying she missed me and what time will I be home. If I am not back by certain time, she'll become a cry baby.
Though she punches and kicks me whenever she sleeps with us, I really can't sleep well when she is not around. Baby...my baby...Mommy needs you just like you need me.
One more day to go...my darling girl can't wait to see and touch her brother. My worry is...I am afraid she'll cry if she sees me on drip. After her KKH experience, she is really afraid whenever people around her mentioned "drip". Told her Mommy is brave, and explained to her, poor her just teared...hope she won't get too paranoid when she sees me.
Hopefully Hubby can figure out the mechanisms of blogger, he'll post the pics of Brayden when he arrives! Till then!
April 26, 2008
Talk Nineteen to a Dozen
Ann was with me for the check up yesterday, as she needs to do her follow-up. We teased Mom after our checks and she told Mom that I am on my way to the hospital. Mom was excited and within minutes, Ann received another call from Gina. Oh, she too thought I am on my way to deliver Brayden! *laughs*
We cleared up the air before more people gets the wrong message. We are just so cheeky despite our age!
Told Hubby about the decision to csec on Monday, he's quite funny..."can you confirm? I need to apply for leave.". I said, in any case Brayden decided to come out earlier, how to confirm? Funny man...
He came back and said he had applied for leave. I asked how many days, and guess what he said? He said "ONE day". I was pretty disappointed...I thought he'd apply for the week. Guess he sensed my disappointment...he quickly said, he'd apply for a week after I am discharged so that he could maximise his "usage" when we are back at home. Alright...I take that!
On the other hand, our little girl is also excited. I can see she'll love the brother. What makes me say so? Mom passed Lleroy a rattle to entertain him while we are having dinner, she actually wanted to take it back. It's not her usual self...she usually shares. When asked, her reason was..."I want to take back for Brayden." *sweet*
I explained, even if it's for Brayden, he can also share...she then walked up to Lleroy and entertained him. I hope they can love each other and have a cordial relationship.
My mind has wondered again...how will he look like? Who will he look like? Will he be like Ethyl? Will Ethyl be able to get used to having another sibling around? Can I manage? Will I find the extra capacity to love a new addition in our lives like how I loved Ethyl? Oh...all these will slowly unveil...
Can you sense my excitement? It's 3.32am and I am still not sleeping! Quite unusual as I am not a late owl.
April 25, 2008
See You On 28 April!!!
Complained to gynae about the pain I encountered and he is worried about the tenderness of my scar, and if I insist on natural, I'd be risking our lives if uterine ruptures. Of course I do not risk! I have a cutie girl, and a family back at home...why take the risk?
Anyways, gynae mentioned if I want to deliver today, I can admit myself and he'll perform the cut for me. I have decided to go on Monday if my water bag didn't break, nor do I have any show and didn't progress into labour.
Oh my boy! We are all so excited waiting for your arrival!
April 24, 2008
We Enjoyed It!
I started with some non-routine teachings on her easel stand. Teaching her simple words using phonics to make up the words and teaching her some simple spelling and chinese words.
Today, we embarked in another journey...moving on to the workbooks. The first session was deemed pretty successful (hope I don't jinx it!). I hope even during confinement, we could still continue.
I am more relieved as she knows quite a handful of chinese words through reading the daily chinese papers with Mom and myself. She can't write, but she can recognise the words, that is a good step to learning chinese.
See how serious she is when she's doing her tracing...
April 22, 2008
Serious and Careful Thoughts
This is my sole responsibility. I am looking through webbys and forums on the reviews of the few schools I have shortlisted. Pros and cons, I really am more confused now!
Firstly, I never like to switch schools as and when, in this case, we have no choice cause we wanted to move, and I am really an alien to Tampines area. Plus, the fact that Ethyl is doing and learning well in the current environment, I really hate to disrupt her learning and getting her to re-adapt.
I am a believer in montessori learning and hope to be able to enrol her in a montessori-based kindy. So far, I added some schools in my list and struck off some. My main concern is of course whether Ethyl likes the environment, and we have to feel comfortable with the teachers and their approach there. Fundamental education is vital especially in the early learning years. I do not mind paying more from my pocket, but the program must suit my missy.
When kiasu-ism sets in, I am beginning to look for the extra curriculums like enrichments for Ethyl. This is not a must-have, but the program has to be of interest to Ethyl. My aim to start when she turns four is nearing, which means I need to seriously look into it.
No wish to push her for too many classes, Ethyl requested for speech and drama, her interest in my lappy also made me wanting to enrol her for computer sessions. Music is another area we look at, but of course, I do not want to keep everything indoors. There'll be swimming and probably takewando lessons I will look at.
Girls should be equipped with some defence skills. I was worried when I read the saturday papers many weeks ago on the girls bashing up other girls over really childish issues.
Having said so many, if the school can provide some of the sessions with quality, I will definitely sign her up. I want to save weekends for more family oriented programs, and not chauffering her from one class to another. But of course, things can be taught by me, will be done so...it's a good bonding activity isn't it? *smiles*
I Turn 28!
We went to Marina Square for some shopping and makan treat. Had Jap food at waraku...yum...
An excited little missy waiting for her food!
Finally...her pasta set arrived! It was quite tasty too!
Argh...my craving...Ebi Tempura! This is a delicacy!
As you can see, missy enjoys her meal heaps. *smiles* Of course, Hubby and I enjoyed ourselves too! Eventhough I have lost some weight, I guess my little guy is eating alot through me! I had really good appetite these days...and he is putting on weight base on the last check up.
I get hungry pretty easily too! *laughs*
After the treat from dear Hubby, we proceeded to shop around...went to see if we could get some baby items for Brayden and maybe some stuff for Ethyl as well. With the CFO around, I can't buy on impulse as he will be asking me if I needed the item again and again!
Hubby kept reproaching himself for not planning a good celebration. He intended to let us take the Duck tours, Hot Air Balloon and Hippo ride, but carrying a ball with me, I'd rather wait till Ethyl's birthday before we do that. He then suggested going to the Singapore Flyer...I rejected the idea again. For I wanted Brayden to take the ride with us, eventhough he may not be old enough to know what's going on.
We had cakes later on at Secret Recipe. I am happy enough to have spent good time with both of them. And reassured Hubby that I am really happy.
We came back at noon (3-ish). Hubby was tired, and he took a nap. Deposited Ethyl at Mom's place for the evening and both of us went out to BPP for dinner. I just wanted to spend some quiet time together with Hubby.
True, it may be a boring day, but to me, it means alot...Hubby is always busy at work, and now, he is able to spend some time with us, I really felt blessed and blissful. No complaints, though Hubby claimed he didn't buy me pressies, he bought me almost 200 bucks worth of birds' nest on the even of my birthday. That is more than enough...
Lastly, I would love to thank everyone who sms-ed me, called me, and left little messages on my chatbox! Thank you peeps :)
April 20, 2008
Ethyl: Mommy, I want to talk to Brayden can?
Me: Sure! *lifted up my shirt and showed her the humongous belly*
Ethyl: Brayden...Good morning...Jiejie is talking to you...
Me: Ethyl, you have to love Brayden ok? You have to share your things with him, and I will also teach him how to share and love you too.
Ethyl: Mommy, I will love Brayden so much you know? I love babies...and Brayden is my family didi, I will love him. When he grows bigger, I will buy sweets and share with him.
Me: *comforted*
Ethyl: Brayden, jiejie will love you alot...but if you don't love jiejie, I will be angry and don't love you also...
Me: Oh...I am sure Brayden will love you...and we will love each other like how Daddy and Mommy loves you!
Ethyl: Yes Mommy....I believe you will love me...you won't bluff me right?
Last night, while Hubby's bathing for Ethyl.
Daddy: Ethyl, is the water too hot?
Ethyl: Yes Daddy, so hot lei...
Daddy Ok...*adjusting the water temperature*
Daddy: Is it too cold?
Ethyl: * raised her voice* Wah, Daddy, what are you doing?! Water is sooo cold you know? Now I'm so cold!
Daddy: Opps, sorry, sorry...is it ok now?
Ethyl: yes...
April 19, 2008
It's not an entirely bad thing, at least at this time, I know I am overwhelmed by excitement, though there were some details that I need to digest after seeing my gynae yesterday.
Stepping on the weighing scale has been tough these days, worrying that increasing appetite will pile my weight more and making it difficult for me to shed off the extras. This time, I lost weight. Probably it is due to the diet that I am adhering to. The lower sugar intake, lower carbo intake helps I guess.
Fortunately my little guy is gaining weight. *smiles* He is now approximately 2.78kg, gynae commented he should be more than 3kg at birth. A good weight. Ethyl was 3.065kg at birth, I thought our little one may weigh slightly more than his sister at birth.
Next, I will be deliverying in less than 2 weeks' time! Next week, gynae will perform a cervical check, plus a culture test. If everything is fine, and my cervix shows signs of readiness, at most he'll wait till 38 weeks and he'll induce me. I know, inducing is more painful....but what to do?
Having said that, it also depends on little guy. Yesterday, he decided to turn upwards facing the sky, which is not a good position for both of us if I were to deliver him naturally. It'll be a strain on both of us. So, I do pray that he'll be good, and go back to a good position if he wishes to be delivered naturally.
I am opened to both natural and c-sec. To me, our well-being is far more vital than the birthing process. I do not want to add on any risks, as I know I have a family, I shouldn't be too stubborn on certain things. Man proposes, heaven disposes.
Oh, almost missed out...this cheeky boy is really funny! During my routine scan, gynae mentioned that why don't we confirm his gender one more time before he arrives, he quickly opened his legs a little, exposing his masculine proof to us. *laughs*
He must be trying to tell his Mommy that he is a boy! Why? I have been buying online, and couldn't resist...I always clicked on to the baby girls' stuff and secretly hoping he is a girl so that I can buy more nice clothes. When I told Hubby about it, he says that's too cute! I agree!
Now, two weeks passes very fast. If my check up next week does not favour natural, I will request my gynae to perform c-sec on 28 april. Now, how does he looks like? I really wish to know too!
April 18, 2008
April 17, 2008
Sorting Out
Initial plan was to buy a wardrobe for the kids, as Ethyl's existing one is overflowing and her clothes are in our also overflowed wardrobe, we thought we could get a big one for the siblings to share. Since we plan to move, and it will be pretty soon I hope, we'll just get a chest of drawers to accomodate our addition's clothings for the time being.
Boys clothes are pretty limited, but it does not apply to infant (boys)! I have been shopping online for him, and his loots had arrived! I am now busy washing and hanging them dry. Having said that, when I shop, I also pop by the girl's clothes and in the end, Ethyl gets more than the baby! *opps*
Everything is more or less intact. Hubby will set up the baby cot (from Ethyl's time) when he's free. I need to dish out the bumper sets...wonder which corner are they now? Been telling Ethyl when baby's home, she'll sleep with baby in the other room, and she had to help look after the little one. She is so excited about it! But of course, we got a baby monitor as well, so that we can somehow monitor the 2 kiddos in the next room.
I didn't get a new breast pump as Ann who used mine for awhile says mine was easier to use. Am planning to get Avent ISIS iQ DUO for myself, but will see how as I am not certain if I can make good use of it if I started working.
Simply can't wait for his arrival! Been having Braxton Hicks contractions for 2 days, irregular tightening and severe pelvic pain...Hubby says little guy can't wait to see us, Ethyl told me she wants to see her cute brother, Mom says at most I will hang on for another 3 weeks, Ann can't wait to see the li' nephew as well....
How about me? The Mommy can't wait to offload the bump that hinders my movements and affects my mobility!
Till now, I am excited and uncertain. Hubby doesn't seem very encouraging on my plan for virginal birth. He has his reasons for worrying about my back, been seriously warning me to rest more after my birth and eat well to build up my body as I didn't rest well and eat well when I gave birth to Ethyl. I suffer the consequences, I try to do it well this time. However, easier said than done. I have a tot, plus a newborn, plus my piggy nephew...how to rest? If I rest, Mom will definitely tire out.
Hmm...now, the next important thing I need to do is to seriously think of what I wanted for my birthday, and Hubby promised me a pressie for giving him 2 beautiful babies...what shall I get from him?
April 16, 2008
When 2 Becomes 4
As usual, the man knows me better. He knew I would miss the kids and a 2 nights' trip might become a one night or even a half day trip! *guilty* True enough, though I was the one who suggested, I always couldn't bear to leave anyone behind and fully enjoy myself without feeling the guilt.
I know we need couple time alone too...I fully understand the need to spend time together alone without the existence of the little ones. Hubby will actually miss our offsprings as well, not just me.
How to leave the little pair behind? We are still discussing. From a 2 nights' trip, I told him, why not we spend just one night?? He said, it'll become a half day trip then.
Ever told Mom about this, she is very encouraging and said if we really want to go, we should just leave the kids behind and enjoy ourselves. Hubby needs to unwind due to his busy schedule, so do I juggling the roles of a Mommy and wife.
How to make the guilt go away? I can see that Hubby is happy with my suggestions, but having been together for almost 10 years, he knows my soft spot for the kids. Am actually planning to go for a short trip after my confinement if possible....so how? With or without kids?
April 14, 2008
Family Days
Oh, did I ever mentioned that he promised to bring us to Night Safari on this Saturday night?
The rain just stopped when Hubby came back, and I thought, "Oh no...we will not be able to go for an advernture tonight!". Hubby was tired, he took a nap with Ethyl and when he woke up, he said, "B, let's go to Night Safari ok?"
Little girl is really thrilled as it was our (Ethyl and mine) virgin trip to the Night Safari.

We thought it would not be crowded...but look!
Boy, it was really crowded! We didn't manage to take alot of pictures because no flash was allow, and without flash light, the photos were underexposed. So, not much pictures. However, we were pretty lucky to see the lions and tigers strolling and lazing around.
We managed to take a walk too! It's a killjoy when I am unable to walk too long and we only had a super close encounter with a Malayan Tiger. Ethyl was really fascinated to be able to stand so close to it! We were just separated by the glass!
There wasn't really as many things as I thought. I think a daytime Zoo trip would be a better choice. Having said that, this is an experience. Throughout the journey on the tram, little guy seems pretty excited too! He's been squirming and kicking, protruding his limbs (maybe) his fists while we were excited to come close with some animals. Shall bring him back when he is 3yo.

Some really treasured snapshots...*smiles*
We paid 10 bucks for Ethyl and Hubby to take pictures with the snake (yikes, they touched the snake!!!), cat (a leopard cub), and the owl. We really enjoyed ourselves! We missed the animal shows...what a pity! Never mind, we'll be back!
Really a joy to be able to see Hubby sleeping beside me when I woke. Both darlings were still snoozing, and it's pure bliss to just look at them sleeping so soundly.
Hubby and Ethyl woke at 10-ish. We went to Marina Square's Swensen's for brunch, and shopped at Suntec to get some nursing bras, and hoping to get Ethyl a gift set (Brayden's gift to her). Well, we could,'t find good quality ones, and had no wish to compromise on a quality that is inferior...so, I will be going back to ELC to get the set, even when it cost double the price.
We didn't shop for too long. Yes, I can't walk too long, else my southern region will ache like madness! Told Hubby not to squeeze to many outings before I pop...as he was afraid that bringing a tot, and an infant could be quite a handful. But then, towing a pregger who was carrying a ball, is just as troublesome! Haha....
Ethyl is the happiest...she kept telling us since the Night Safari trip that she was so happy! We were happy too! Thinking about it...it still brings a smile on my face.
April 12, 2008
Melting Moments
Initial intention was I pity my baby sis who had 8 teeth extracted and undergoing major "overhaul" on her mouth.
April 11, 2008
Lovely Duo
On the second night when Daddy was away from home for more than 24 hours, she came to me with teary looking eyes..."Mommy, you call daddy (to) come back can? I miss Daddy, I want him to come back...please..."
I took over the phone, explained to her that Daddy had to work and punched his mobile number and called him. She answered the phone..."Dad...dy...." and she was on the verge of crying.
She passed me the phone and I told Hubby our dearie missed him much. He talked to her, she did not say a word. She was almost crying, and passed me the phone again.
I said goodbye and hung up.
"Mommy, Daddy so poor thing right? Always have to work so late and come back so late. I miss him. You miss him?"
"Of course I do! Just like us, Daddy misses us too. He has to work, no choice...we'll be good and sleep early. We'll see Daddy when we wake up the next morning ok?".
Suddenly, she was happy again. Chirping like a canary and singing lullaby to the little guy. She fell asleep soon after.
Next morning, I woke up earlier than her. When she opened her eyes and saw Hubby who just came back, sitting on the bed and beside her, her bleary eyes lit up immediately, gave the sweetest smile and hugged Hubby with a sweet..."DADDY!!!! I miss you!!!". I was so touched.
I pretended to be jealous and said, "Oh, now you only love Daddy? Don't love Mommy already right?". She immediately said she loves me and gave me a hug.
Now, even the biscuit Hubby loves to eat becomes her favourite. She said to me she wants to eat the biscuit Daddy loves and she loves Daddy too. Oh..how I love them too!
April 10, 2008
Bake to Oven
I baked the Japanese Cotton Sponge Cake!
Am a tad too lazy to take pictures. Am really glad my cake raised well and it was so spongy and fluffy inside! Took 3 little cups...*opps*
April 9, 2008
Why That Frown?
Anyways, there's little I can do except to tell him, we all missed him when he was away.
Last night, Ethyl was so happily playing with Hubby. She climbed onto him and played with him while he was watching his google box. Hubby was a little irritated and was frowning and told Ethyl in quite a hostile tone, "Stop playing, I want to watch TV".
I was not surprised, even when I talked to him, he will filter away my words. So, I raised my voice a little and said, "You are working most of your time, our daughter simply wants to play with you, can't you treat this as part of the bonding effort a Daddy should put in? Is this so difficult to play with her?".
Immediately, his frowns were switched to smiles and he played with Ethyl. Ethyl's face brightens up when Hubby smiled and played with her. This may seem simple, but I believe it meant alot to our little girl. Simple things in life should never be overlooked.
April 7, 2008
Ant of the House
Poor him, he did not really get his off for 13 consecutive days until last friday, the day I need to go for my gynae appointment that he finally told his boss he needs to go off that day. They were reluctant to let him go...but he has been working everyday (and also overtime).
I can see that he is tired. Whenever he is back home, he doesn't complain. I feel upset seeing him work so hard. Now, one aircraft is rushing to complete by tomorrow...and you know what?!, he was told he has another to handle! GOSH...
There were times I felt helpless when I needed to rest, but m darling girl is so active and hyped who needs lotsa my attention. Of course, she is well-behaved most times when she's in a good mood.
Hubby might not be coming home tonight. He says they need to rush and all his technicians will also have to rush the aircraft for completion and he might be coming back only tomorrow morning. Boy, that's 24hrs of work! No joke!
Mom is worried about his health, and has been brewing cooling teas, and making some tonics for him. She reminded me to bring back the chicken essence she has at her house, and get him to drink it every morning (I forgot!).
Seeing him work so hard, knowing he loves my bakes, I wanted to bake him something for breakfast tomorrow. He wanted me to rest, plus he was not certain if he would be back tonight; thus he wanted me to bake for him another day instead.
Poor him...his dollars are really "blood-sweat" money...He says he earns so much, but can't spend it because he spent his time working. I told him not to worry...I can spend it for him! Haha...having said that, I do still hope that he can have some rest and spend some time with us. That is more important than shopping!
Heart Aches
Well, Ethyl saw how I did my hand prick, and saw the blood ooze out a little, she was worried. She almost teared...
Yesterday on the cab, she suddenly said "Mommy, you cannot eat sweet things ok? You do the "injection", my heart so pain...is it painful?"
Last night, after my test, she held my finger and gave it a kiss. "Poor thing...must be so painful right?".
I hope I did not scare her...Been trying to do this behind her so that she will not be so affected by this blood test thingy.
April 5, 2008
Some Last Preparations

Going to get Pliko 3 as planned. The carrier will come in handy when Ethyl needs the stroller to sleep on, or even when she's plain lazy to walk. Carrying a baby is easier than carrying a tot isn't it? *smiles*
The last stage of preparations...I have not gotten my house slippers, more PJs, medical herbs meant for bathing etc. Mom is helping me to buy baby clothes meant for daily wear. She simply enjoys doing it! She brought Ethyl out with her sis, my aunt, who is also expecting her 3rd grandbaby (girl) this month. The 2 excited grands were telling each other what they should get and what they do not have! Haha...
Now I am waiting for the rompers and jumpers I got for Brayden from GAP to arrive. If you could sense it, I am getting excited to hold him in my arms. Who says I am not excited on the boy's arrivel? Who said I favour girls to boys? Just that the excitement came in later this round.
The excitement of being able to perform virginal delivery also gives me more "work". My 2 over kg little guy is getting bigger, causing my pelvic region to ache and numb whenever I move around. Fatigue has begun to creep in, feeling tired most times, especially when the weather's so humid, it makes me perspire more and need the fan to blow onto my face all the time!
As fo myself, I will be going to do some grooming before I pop. Since natural birth may be my option, I told Hubby I will go and do a brazillian wax. He was worried about how safe this will be, I assured him, it'll just be the normal routine I did before preggy. Need to "clean up" a little...I do not want the nurses to shave for me when I am admitted.
Next, still on hair...my hair trimmed, my eyebrows shaped and get the needs shaven and cleaned! I just do not want to look sloppy during confinement. He shook his head when I told him these...to him, he just wanted me to rest more and do lesser on such. Hmm...we are both really different!
Been wanting to do a pedicure, but I guess most likely I will do it after confinement. Wow...what are the to-do-list for Ethyl? I have settled her school fees, bus fees, her fringe trimmed, prepared her on what is needed etc. I guess she is just waiting for her sibling to be out and cuddle him. Oh, did I mention she's been practising on how to carry a baby? She's simply too adorable. *beams*
April 4, 2008
The Good and Bad
Next, my sweet tooth has to come to a halt! I was diagnosed with GD (gestational diabetes). Hubby stopped me from all my sweet cravings. Cakes, sweet drinks, ice-cream, chocolates and many more sinful things! This pregnancy itself, I love to eat rice. Lotsa rice for me especially dinner time. My appetite finally got better for the last 2 weeks, but now, I need to re-adjust my diet to a low-carbo one instead.
For health's sake, I will do as told. Oh...I miss my milkshakes, ice-creams and my chocolates!!!
April 2, 2008
Chocolate Brownie (With recipe)
Thought I didn't want to blog about this...but as I was eating halfway, I thought I might as well make a record here. *winks*
Wanted to bake something so that Hubby can bring it to work for breakfast tomorrow. Gina will also get to have some as well...It'll be heavenly if I have some vanilla ice cream on this brownie as well...Oh...
As requested, the recipe.
7tbsp cocoa powder (sifted)
1tbsp instant coffee powder
200g castor sugar
4 small eggs (lightly beaten)
120g flour (sifted)
1tsp baking powder (sifted)
40g chopped wlanuts (I changed to almonds)
200g cooking chocolate (chopped to pieces; I used dark chocolate)
100g Butter
1.Melt chocolate and butter over slow heat.
2. Stir in cocoa and instant coffee powder. Add in castor sugar and stir till combined.
3. Leave to cool for a while before pouring into a mixing bowl. Add in eggs and stir till well blended.
4. fold in flour gently. Pour batter into a greased and lined baking tray 21 x 21 cm.
5. Sprinkle walnut on top and push it gently into the batter.
6. Bake at 180 deg c for 30 to 35 mins till the brownie is cooked.
April 1, 2008
Nitty Gritty
Her day one taking a school bus. We started a month earlier as the weather is either too scorching or it pours buckets. In order to not to let Mom and Ethyl brave the weather...I decided to let her start taking a school bus from today.
I can actually see the reluctance in her eyes, but she still puts on a brave front, knowing that I will be sending her and picking her. She did not fuss (touch wood!), been trying to be brave for us. Good job, baby!
女儿:what pee pee? I don't want!
老爸:NO!Not pee pee...I say wash your 屁屁
女儿:aiyo...wash backside say wash backside...屁屁屁屁。。。I pass urine already no urine and you keep saying pee pee...no urine how to pee?! *sounded frustrated*