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April 7, 2008

Ant of the House

Daddy is the ant of the house. He is the one working the hardest...

Poor him, he did not really get his off for 13 consecutive days until last friday, the day I need to go for my gynae appointment that he finally told his boss he needs to go off that day. They were reluctant to let him go...but he has been working everyday (and also overtime).

I can see that he is tired. Whenever he is back home, he doesn't complain. I feel upset seeing him work so hard. Now, one aircraft is rushing to complete by tomorrow...and you know what?!, he was told he has another to handle! GOSH...

There were times I felt helpless when I needed to rest, but m darling girl is so active and hyped who needs lotsa my attention. Of course, she is well-behaved most times when she's in a good mood.

Hubby might not be coming home tonight. He says they need to rush and all his technicians will also have to rush the aircraft for completion and he might be coming back only tomorrow morning. Boy, that's 24hrs of work! No joke!

Mom is worried about his health, and has been brewing cooling teas, and making some tonics for him. She reminded me to bring back the chicken essence she has at her house, and get him to drink it every morning (I forgot!).

Seeing him work so hard, knowing he loves my bakes, I wanted to bake him something for breakfast tomorrow. He wanted me to rest, plus he was not certain if he would be back tonight; thus he wanted me to bake for him another day instead.

Poor him...his dollars are really "blood-sweat" money...He says he earns so much, but can't spend it because he spent his time working. I told him not to worry...I can spend it for him! Haha...having said that, I do still hope that he can have some rest and spend some time with us. That is more important than shopping!


Anonymous said...

Poor Brian! Ask him to take care too ya! And after you deliver this year, plan a good trip to overseas as a family holiday next year so that he can rest and you can enjoy family time too :)

And I think the driving journey from his work place to home does tired him out too. So your plan to shift to the east may do good for him as well. He can still go home and rest for a while before going back to work :)

MomsyWorld said...

Hi Jean, he is planning for a holiday end of the year. I hope it does goes thru bcos we have not had a holiday for soooo long!

His schedule shows that there should be no aircraft in december and his final aircraft of the year should be completed end of november...really hope this is true, and now, we are arguing over where to go, and if the little guy is able to join us! Haha...hope we dun jinx this hols plan.

Par said...

You got a good husband.
At least he works and all.
Though he do need to rest because working too much does no good to his health or body.
But it's nice to see how supportive your family is.

LHS said...

oh gosh, your hubby really busy. ya, if really can choose, i would choose to have family time too..

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's also good that he's busy now than when he's busy during your confinement when you might need him around for support and comfort. Take care of yourself while taking care of your loved ones!